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Friday, December 6, 2024

How to Install the Apache Web Server on CentOS Stream 9

Apache is available within CentOS's default software repositories, which means you can install it with yum.

How to Create Users in Linux

Linux is a multi-user system, meaning that more than one person can interact with the same system simultaneously.

How to Create Bash Aliases

This tutorial demonstrates how to use the alias command to create personalized shortcuts, which can help you save time and feel less frustrated.

Top MySQL Commands

Invoke mysql_secure installation without arguments to improve mysql installation security. This utility enables you to improve the security of your MySQL installation in the following ways:

– set a password for root accounts
– remove root accounts that are accessible from outside the local host
– remove anonymous-user accounts
– remove the test database, which by default can be accessed by anonymous users

Initiate a connection of MySQL

mysql -u root -p

-u means that we are going to connect with a username root

-p means that we will enter username’s password

To list all databases on a MySQL server

show databases;

Switch to a specific database using the use statement

use databasename;

To list tables in a MySQL database

show tables;

To get information about a specified table

describe tablename;

The COUNT(*) function represents the count of all rows present in the table

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_name;

Leave the MySQL prompt


Create a new database

create database databasename;

Delete an existing SQL database

drop database databasename;

Export a single MySQL database in the form of a .sql file.

The -p option prompts for the password of the MySQL user

mysqldump -u username -p databasename > databasefilename.sql

Import an existing dump file into MySQL

mysql -u username -p databasename < databasefilename.sql

Show MySQL users and hosts they are allowed to connect from:

select user, host from mysql.user;

Show all MySQL users:

select user from mysql.user;

Create a user. Be sure to change user to your preferred username and password to a strong password of your choosing.

create user ‘user’@’localhost’ identified by ‘password’;

Grant your MySQL user all privileges. Anyone with access to this MySQL user will have complete control over every database on the server.

grant all privileges on *.* to ‘user’@’host’ with grant option;

Reload the grant tables’ privileges, ensuring that any changes made to user permissions are immediately applied

flush privileges;

List user and grants

show grants;

You’ll be prompted for a password. If you get an Access denied error, your username or password are incorrect. Otherwise, all the databases will show that the specified user has access to.

mysqlshow -u database_username -p

Check the MySQL status on a CentOS 9 server

systemctl status mysqld

Restarting MySQL on a CentOS 9 server

systemctl restart mysqld

Check MySQL version

mysql -V

Clear the MySQL screen console window

system clear;

Test connection. If the connection is successful, you see the message: Connected to <host_IP>. If the connection fails, you see the message: Unable to connect to remote host. The default port of MySQL is 3306

telnet host_IP port_number

Find the MySQL configuration file. The primary configuration file for the MySQL database server is called my.cnf

find ‘/’ -name “my.cnf”

To learn MySQL more quickly and effectively, use the Sakila sample database available on mysql.com. The Sakila sample database is one of the most widely used sample databases. Other sample databases on mysql.com include the world sample database and employees sample database.

How to read .mysql_history containing \040

sed "s/\\\040/ /g" < .mysql_history

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