Root or sudo privileges
Access to a terminal or command line
By modifying the hosts file you can easily preview your website on the local network during the migration of your website to a new server enabling you to establish a staging environment without impacting existing DNS records.
To edit your Mac's host file for testing a LAMP stack,
Press the command and spacebar key to open Terminal by searching it via the spotlight search
Next, open the hosts file with your preferred editor program.
sudo vi /etc/hosts
Edit the hosts file
Type L in vi to move to the bottom of the screen
Type $ to move to the end of the line
Type i to enter insert mode
Use the following syntax at the bottom of the file
Once you are done editing the hosts file, type the following to save and quit the file
To flush your Mac's DNS cache, type the following command
For macOS Monterey,
sudo dscacheutil -flushcache; sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder
The changes should take effect immediately.
Remember, you should remove the new lines from the hosts file once propagation is done after connecting your domain to web hosting.