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Friday, December 6, 2024

How to Install the Apache Web Server on CentOS Stream 9

Apache is available within CentOS's default software repositories, which means you can install it with yum.

How to Create Users in Linux

Linux is a multi-user system, meaning that more than one person can interact with the same system simultaneously.

How to Create Bash Aliases

This tutorial demonstrates how to use the alias command to create personalized shortcuts, which can help you save time and feel less frustrated.

How to Create Bash Aliases

Creating aliases in bash is very straight forward

The syntax is as follows:

alias alias_name=”command_to_run”

Aliases are different names for the same command

Probably one of the most commonly used commands I use on the Linux command line is the cd command. I want to create an essential shortcut to save me time from having to type long commands and eliminate a great deal of typing. I will set a memorable shortcut command for a longer command.

I will create a simple bash alias named dir for navigating this very long directory structure

This will be a shortcut for this long command

cd /var/very/long/directory/structure/that/is/too/lengthy

Open the file in your text editor

vi ~/.bashrc

I will declare the following in the ~/.bashrc file

alias dir=”cd /var/very/long/directory/structure/that/is/too/lengthy”

Once done, save and close your file


Type the following to make the alias available in your current session

source ~/.bashrc

You can combine multiple commands in an alias by using &&

For example:

alias dir=”cd /var/very/long/directory/structure/that/is/too/lengthy && ls -la”

Gives you a long listing of all files including hidden files

alias ll=”ls -la”

Edit your Apache Default Configuration File

If you’re customizing your files frequently, you might want an alias to edit the file. You can use conf (httpd.conf) as an alias to call your editor of choice on the file you prefer.

alias conf=”vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf”

Clear the terminal screen

alias c=”clear”

Display disk space in human readable format and exclude directories that we don’t care to see in our output

alias df=”df -h -x tmpfs -x devtmpfs”

The ports alias

This alias is used when we need information about ports that services are running on. 

alias ports=”netstat -tunlp”

Navigate up directory levels

alias ..=”cd ..”
alias ..2=”cd ../..”
alias ..3=”cd ../../..”
alias ..4=”cd ../../../..”
alias ..5=”cd ../../../../..”

You can list all of your configured aliases by passing the alias command without any arguments:


For information on how to add alias commands in Git



By using aliases, you can save a lot of time by reducing the typing needed for complex or frequently used long commands.

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